Members :

Cllr Stephen Skinner (Chair)
Cllr Martin Adams
Cllr Chris Wilson
Cllr Miriam Swainston
Cllr Holly Drake
Cllr Matthew Bird
Cllr Yvonne Estop

Remit :

Services to the Public

  • To oversee the operation of the public services provided by the Council which are allocated to the Committee in the table of services (contained in the Constitutional Policies of the Council)
  • To review service policies recommended by the Chief Executive Officer which relate to the services allocated to the Committee in the table above and approve (subject to call-in)* such policies (amended as necessary).

Matters outside the Direct Control of the Council

  • To consider and comment on environmental matters affecting the Town provided that the Council has either powers or duties in respect of these matters, including (but not limited to): parking, fly posting, A boards, dog fouling, public infrastructure initiatives in relation to sustainable transport
  • Periodically to consider S106 money available, whether held by HCC or EHDC, and recommend to the responsible authority projects on which it could be spent.


  • To consider any activity of the Council referred to it by the Council.